on 3.18.2012

chapter 7.
What are you doing here?
Approximately 7 billion greeting cards are purchased every year. Annual retail sales of greeting cards are estimated at more than $7.5 billion. Nine out of every ten households buy greeting cards each year. The average households buys 30 individual greeting cards a year.  


Holidays are obviously the most popular time for Greeting Card sales. Can you put the following Holidays in the correct order of greatest to least in terms of sale number?
(presented in alphabetical order)

Father's Day
Mother's Day
St. Patrick's Day
Valentine's Day

 Christmas (1.5 billion cards sold)
Valentine's Day (144 million)
Mother's Day (133 million)
Father's Day (94 million)
Easter (57 million)
Halloween (20 million)
Thanksgiving (10 million)
St. Patrick's Day (8 million)

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